SandHills Timber Company
North Carolina & South Carolina
TOLL FREE: 910-878-0158
Field Rep. Manager: Brandon Currie (910) 224-2727 Email:
Buyers of Pulpwood/Sawtimber
Pine and Hardwood
We Provide Several Types
of Timber Harvesting Methods
Free Timber Estimates &
Timber Evaluation
Our staff has the training and knowledge along with the experience
to offer a
variety of harvesting
services through out North and South Carolina ranging from clear
cut harvest,
to thinning or
selective harvests
of natural stands to
promote either wildlife or future timber growth. Our objectives
when we first look at a property is
the landowner’s short term
and long term goals.
Our goal is to promote a harvest plan that is suited for each landowner because each property is unique. Different management techniques are considered for each landowner’s objective.
offer a free evaluation with no obligation to sell your
timber. We can meet you on the property to discuss your
timberland or discuss your objectives over the phone with
3/30/16 - cold/wet
We service these counties in North Carolina:
Alamance Beaufort Chatham Chowan
Columbus Franklin
Granville Jones |
Lenoir Montgomery Pender
Person Pitt Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Sampson Scotland |
Union Wilson |
Counties in South Carolina:
Calhoun Chesterfield |
Dillon Horry |
Kershaw Lancaster Lee Marion Marlboro |
Richland Sumter Williamsburg York |
Sandhills Timber Services:
Select Thinning
Plantation Thinning